rest of the peektures: http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2090104250
yesterday marked the end of nationals which meant that my shooting journey has come to an end. BAHHHHH. this is like damn depressing. ): you can say that shooting has become part of my life or perhaps it's my life already. 3/4 of my jc life is spent with the shooting people and now that this has all ended overnight, i'll probably have to start getting used to life without them although yeah we'll still see one another around but you see, we won't get the chance to train together again. mannnn i want to cry already. ):
for the school team people:
thank you peeps for making my shooting journey a much more memorable and enjoyable one. (: each and every single of you are special to me in your own way. (: i'm glad we're able to share our joys and sorrows as a team and not to forget, endure all the hardcore trainings (not really hardcore lah but the travelling is. it's at st pats lah. how freaking far is that? haha.) together. even though we didn't really do very well for nationals, i believed we've all done our best and there should be no regrets yeah? (: shit happens all the time but we can learn how to cope with it. don't be disheartened anymore. let's get up on our feet and move on. there are so many more things that we have to deal with. for now it would be the stoopid A's. look at our midyear results and you know it's time to start mugging our asses off. HAHA! so GAMBATE! :D
for the j1s:
ooie! you people better work hard for next year's nationals ya? trash those asses that we're not able to trash this year! HEH. hmmm...cherish one another because before you know, it'll soon be your turn to hand over to the next batch and i can tell you it's really really damn sad k. HAHAHA! thank you for being such nice and lovable juniors! you people have indeed brought a lot of joy into my life. :D i'm gonna miss all the gossiping and talking cock sessions with the girls ;) and all the rubbishing with the guys especially sean, ismail, nic, sinyean, chris, ziyi blah blah blah. all of you are really a sweet bunch and i couldn't have asked for nicer j1s. (: study hard, train hard and play hard too! (: i promise i'll visit you all as much as i can. (:
for shazie, mun and wanli:
shazie you should know what i want to say lah. you're the one who's ALWAYS there for me no matter what happens. you totally know me inside out. i don't even have to say anything and you know what's on my mind, like a psychic k. alright more like you understand me super well. (: heh. i can't thank you enough for all the company, all the tears and laughters and everything including packing my locker occasionally back in crescent and being such a nice desk-partner. :D oh and i know this is super random but you're very nice to hug too. HAHAHA! (: bottom line is, I LOVE YOU BABE! YOU'RE SIMPLY THE BEST! :D and mun, you're like the funniest and nicest guy around. (: you don't have to pretend to be someone you're not and you're just very genuine lor. i always find it super easy to talk to you cos' we always share similar thinking and all. oh and you never fail to make my day with your whole load of crap man. (: HAHAHA! thanks for just being there dude! :D and wanli, the person who always hit me super pain one, you're one funny woman can. thanks for being such a great friend and fellow pistol mate. you never fail to cheer me up with all your nonsense and lame-ness. (:
i'm gonna miss all of you so much. ):
so in conclusion i just want to say,
i'll always remember all the times we've spent together!
I'm gonna miss you too mum... Thx for being such a great mum... Hope to see you soon :D
^^ yup gonna miss my mommy! haha. uh study hard yea, come down only when you are really free ok? =D
or you can come down to the range and study :D But I don't think the range is a very conducive environment haha. Anyway, thanks for being such a nice J2 and GL for A's!
PS: want to go play CS @ LAN shop or not?
love is all around eh? (: side qn, how many sons do you have? i thought it was only sean? ismail also huh?
love you alot too!!
<3 you too! =DDDD I'll miss you la! =( haha study hard k. good luck for A's too but don't rely on luck too much.
more like miss hitting my head right? :/ HAHAHA! yup i'll study hard i hope. heh (:
hahah how come got dwayne's photo inside?
HAHAHA! don took it lah.
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